New Member Of The Sales Team

Mainstage is very pleased to announce that we have grown our team again, with the addition of the lovely Lynnette! Lynnette will be working with our existing staff in the office in the role of Sales Support. It’s important for us at Mainstage that the staff we...

Mainstage’s Welding Apprentices

With the economy in the UK only narrowly avoiding a triple-dip recession and unemployment reaching almost 8%, everyone needs to be focusing on using every opportunity, especially when it comes to getting young people into work or training. At Mainstage, we’ve...

Rock Roll Takes Its Toll

Not just on performers, but on stages as well. Think of the beating that active musicians can impose on your stage, and then consider how long it’ll last if they keep it up. If you’re frequently playing host to active music bands, then it’s worth...

Introducing Our New Lines

We’ve just launched our new website on an unsuspecting world of theatre and music, but we’re also launching two new lines – although one is only new to us. Steeldeck The Steeldeck stage will be familiar to many reading this; a heavy duty line of staging...